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Pandemic Exhibition: The Burton Gallery, Bideford

This exhibition is startling. Using a grain of rice to represent one person the artists have assembled a challenging and provocative number of pieces, many of which are being updated on a daily basis.

This is the description from the gallery website:

For this beautifully simple performance installation, mounds of rice represent the political and social realities in the world: one grain of rice for the Queen, twelve grains for people who have walked on the moon, a pile for teachers in the UK, a heap for millionaires in Europe, and a mountain for people fleeing from war and disaster. Stan’s Cafe are delighted to bring their internationally acclaimed Of All The People In All The World to Bideford. By making normally abstract statistics tangible and placing them in thoughtful relation to each other, this powerful work of art is witty, shocking and ultimately moving. Come and find yourself.

Stan’s Cafe performers will return to The Burton during the summer to perform live over a number of days – building new mounds of rice, updating statistics and answering your questions.

Flags and Bunting will also be displayed which have come from submissions to our Flags of Hope project from all over North Devon

It was shocking at times and engaging. We were there, Pete and I, represented in more than kne mound of rice: as a volunteer at the food bank for me and as an NHS volunteer responder for Pete. We were a grain of rice in other piles as well: we were in the populations of Devon and Bideford. It is very good as always that we have such a high calibre gallery here in Bideford. I am looking forward to the performances from Stan’s Cafe later in the summer.

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