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"Pepper Pot", Stowe - 20/08/2022

"Pepper Pot", Stowe - 20/08/2022

A very enjoyable place to be painting today. I can hardly believe we passed this view almost every day for so long and that we moved away 6 years ago! I love this garden very much. It was where I really established my en plein air painting and what inspired me to do a 365 daily painting challenge in 2015. Then I didn’t always paint outside or from life. This time I am doing the from life thing and have had to shelter a few times from wind and rain but every day I’ve painted and on days like this it’s a complete joy! The grass is so yellow at the moment that the temple looks like it’s not residing in its normal location. It has a hot county feel to it without it's verdant green fields all around!


Oil on board 10 x 12 inches

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