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impromptu Critique

As there was suddenly a space needing to be filled for a critique I felt it would be helpful to get some feed back on the drawings I have been doing since the feed back from Karst. the idea that the heavy balk marks were too much and that the mothers themselves were not able to be understood or connected with because of the strong gestural marks. I have been looking again at the work of Jenny Savile and also the work of artist Anita Taylor. the accuracy of Jenny Savile"s work and the layering of moments and movements is beautiful but I think I am looking to be more expressive. I like the accuracy though. the work of Anita Taylor is huge and has a strength to the mark making that I really enjoy. in the critique It is difficult not to feel that those people viewing the work are not themselves drawing so maybe don't understand what I'm don g, perhaps don't get the context. some helpful ideas but a feeling that I have not changed things all that much. this feels difficult when the suggestion form Karst was I make very small changes to resolve things, no change of surface and no charge to material. I feel that I have dramatically softened the drawing style but it was seen as still so strong....

There was a feeling that the drawings I did from life were really fresh and felt very real. I need to find away to do this without models visiting... it was felt that when the drawings were I luges onto the big paper they were tidied up too much.

it makes me keen to get back to the drawing. interesting that some people really likes the strong marks and others didn't. there is I guess always the element that when you make marks on paper some people will like them and others won't. how tome forward with this? do what I feel is right! I'm about to graduate and with no exhibition to show case my work in I need to find my own groove and keep grooving!!

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