Last night would have been the private view for the MA graduate show. As there is no show this year I decided to hold an online celebration for finishing and passing the MA. I had Installed OBS on my MacBook, a program that enables a live stream on Facebook To have videos and other media not just me talking. I made two short videos to demonstrate my journey to the final work and then one showing the final work and the exhibition at KARST. It was in the end quite fun to do and lots of people joined in and said such lovely things. Annoyingly the WiFi was not us to it and it all crashed half way through. No chance to show the second video and no can he ya read the piece from my thesis that I’d planned to read. I need to not stress About the fact that things went wrong and focus on the the great and celebratory moment it was. Not to mention I got to drink Bollinger that our lovely neighbours had brought me! I was sent flowers... It felt very celebratory. The online exhibition idea would work and will be something I might think to do another time! ​
